Similar words: study, brown study, understudy, stud, studio, student, studded, studied. Meaning: n. 1. a careful study of some social unit (as a corporation or division within a corporation) that attempts to determine what factors led to its success or failure 2. a detailed analysis of a person or group from a social or psychological or medical point of view.
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91. Case Study: A simple VM and paging system for the MIPS R3000.
92. Hosting a special column of MBA Case Study. Reporting campus activities and social news about MBA students.
93. Case study method first originals from the 19 th century.
94. Results of this case study show that the approach can reduce system restart recover time as much as possible and improve system availability.
95. In this thesis, we analyzes financial informationization of D port group deeply by case study method.
96. As a case study, a grouped method to calibrate synthetic seismogram with complex geology has been approached in Gunan-209 area.
97. Supported by common pedagogics in teachers' college, it developed teaching practice through researching study in class and term case study .
98. The risk methodology selected for the subject case study was: risk ranking and filtering.
99. Case study on progressivity analysis of health financing is a component of Equity Research in Health Areas.
100. One, the case study loaves and fishes that affects worker enthusiasm play is couldn't get contented.
101. In our case study, the inspector is equivalent to a feudal lord.
102. In one case study, Gregory recounts the story of Vladimir Moroz, whose father was executed in 1937 and whose mother was sent to the Gulag.
103. Under our environment, "Case Study" is differ from prejudication teaching, it is eventually a subsidiary way in spite of its importance.
104. This case study examines, in detail, using the Cisco's Hot Standby Routing Protocol(HSRP)for network backup with fault - tolerant IP routing, so that the reliability of an internetwork is improved.
105. As a case study, this system is applied in Engineering Chemistry Database(ECDB), to implement the service of resource-sharing and data-integration.
106. It also making Swiss chocolate a case study in globalization.
107. Finally in the thesis case study and calculation proved the system has nice control characteristic and has good energy saving effect.
108. A case study on an event with a tropical cyclone approaching Hong Kong is included to demonstrate the significance of meteorological conditions in determining the visibility and PM2.5 concentration.
109. The case study examples will only run on a Microsoft Internet Information Server ( IIS ) .
110. The paper introduces the design and implementation of video-on-demand system based on stream media system, using Yantai University Library as a case study.
111. This study involved a mixed method case study approach to explore whether support of the local teacher union affected perceptions of school climate, as measured by the Organizational Health Inventory.
112. This paper is a case study of the financing for telecommunication equipment industry.
113. Case study on progressivity analysis of health financing a component of Equity Research in Health Areas.
114. A formal modeling method based on Timed Automata Network is proposed for real-time concurrent system. The case study of ATP (Automatic Train P...
115. The teacher's case study is a process of obtaining practical knowledge.
116. Li-Junping. 2011. The Thoughts of Ancient Chinese Intellectuals: a Case Study (Wordage 298000). Beijing: Chinese Society Publishing House.
117. A case study by making use UG CAM package is also included.
118. The article includes two parts the case and the case study.
119. Then,( the distributional property of verb - verb collocations a case study in a real text.
120. The author concentrates on the student load program offered by the government of Hong Kong SAR and makes a case study of the cost benefit issue from the students' angle.
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